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  • Writer's pictureAshley

6 Benefits of Small-Group Tutoring

Updated: Dec 21, 2021

When I say tutoring, do you think of two people sitting with their heads together working on paper, or do you imagine a small group sitting around discussing, working, and learning together? I would venture to bet that you envisioned two people, not a small group. But did you know that there are many benefits when tutoring a small group of students?

Small group tutoring is not right for every child and every situation, however, it can have a big impact in many cases. If you are considering small-group tutoring after you read about the benefits, feel free to reach out to Keep It Up Tutoring or a similar tutor and ask if they think your child would be a good fit for small groups.

Below are five benefits of enrolling your child in a small-group tutoring class.

1. Students are noticed

Small groups allow a tutor to address your student’s specific needs, monitor their progress, notice any misconceptions or difficulties, and plan further activities to support them. Within a small group, there are also ample opportunities for academic discussion with peers. These discussions give a window into each student’s conceptual understanding.

According to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, current research shows that benefits of group discussions also include:

  • Increase in student learning

  • Motivation for students

  • Support for teachers in understanding and assessing student thinking

  • Shift in authority from teacher/textbook to the community

2. Flexible learning

While teaching a small group, tutors have the ability to give more individualized support and provide differentiated tasks. Having students work on what they need to practice will result in higher academic growth. When a misconception or need is discovered, tutors can quickly jump in to assist and guide the student in the right direction.

Small group tutoring offers similar benefits of 1-1 tutoring including:

  • Increased confidence

  • Personalized learning

  • Positive relationship with learning

  • Improved academic performance

3. More opportunities for feedback

In a large group, it can be difficult to give specific feedback, however, research points to the importance of specific feedback. As a tutor is working with a small group of students it is much easier to give feedback at the moment, and take time to really help the student understand and reflect. As previously mentioned, small groups provide these opportunities because there is time and space to notice every student.

4. Increased confidence

Teacher helping child in small group art class

Small-group discussions and activities give students a smaller audience in which to practice taking risks and being vulnerable. Many students will avoid class participation due to anxiety about messing up in front of their peers. Small groups lower the number of peers, increase adult support, and therefore, allow students to safely build confidence.

5. Practice 21st-century skills

21st-century skills include critical thinking, communication, flexibility, social skills and so much more. These skills are practiced within the group setting and are critical for the future careers of today’s students. Not only do small groups provide lots of practice with these skills, but again, there is a higher level of feedback provided by the tutor.

6. Save money

Small group tutoring is typically cheaper than one-on-one tutoring. This way you are getting your child the support that they need, but with less cost. That’s a win for parents and


If you think that small-group tutoring would be a good fit for your child, check out the Services page or the Summer Camps. There are so many benefits to small-group tutoring and Keep It Up Tutoring would love to pass those benefits on to your family!

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